Achy Body While Running {Menu/Exercise} — Natalie Kristeen

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Achy Body While Running {Menu/Exercise}

Achy Body While Running {Menu/Exercise}


There is something about running that is addicting: maybe its the endorphin release {I am quite positive this has a lot to do with it}. But maybe it is also the thrill of a challenge. The excitement to see just how far we can go, how much stronger we are as to compared to what we first believed. The motivation to keep going when everything in you aches. When Loren and I plan a long run {more than 6 miles}, we basically step out the door and go. We don't plan how long or what our route is...we just go and we adventure and we push and we encourage and it is so uplifting. I hate red lights. Red lights mean you have to stop when you were already moving at a steady pace. Even if that steady pace is slow, it was steady and your body was used to moving and when you suddenly have to stop, everything screams. Your knees, your back, your breathing, your body. It is unhappy. Then to get back up and keep running after the red light turns is my least favorite thing.

Today's run hit us harder than normal - we both experienced achy knees. My lower back has been bothering me. But we kept going. Around mile 5 is when we admitted to one another that we are both sore and tired and this is hard work. A little after mile 5 is also when we committed to keep going, even if we need to slow our pace down by 2 minutes (which is what we did). But the important thing was, keep moving. Keep going. When we arrive at home where we destined to end, then we will rest.

As we put one foot in front of the other, I could not help but think of my life. A lot of me aches. A lot of me is calling for attention and close care of the heart. A lot of me is confused as to why I hurt, but I want to be honest in my pain so that I can move past it in victory and freedom. I should not have been hurting during this run - we have ran way more than 5 miles, so it was confusing. I have chosen in my heart that I want to end up on the other side of this earth; I want to end up in Heaven, shining bright and glorious before Jesus' throne. In order to get there, I must keep going. Even if my pace is slow, keep it steady and keep it moving, always towards Him. When I stop in the midst and let the pain throb harder, that is when it hurts to pick my cross back up and keep running.

Keep going to your destination {which I pray is Jesus}. Slow your pace down if you need, but keep moving. When you are ready, He will help you pick your pace back up. But whatever you do, keep looking to Him for guidance and assistance. Keep reminding yourself that He will carry you when you are weak. Let love be your highest goal, even in the midst of your possibly-slow pace. We can choose to be patient and kind even when our pace is slow.  We can choose to always hope the best and never lose faith, even when we are weary. We can choose to look outward, even when our body {or heart} aches. Keep your eyes on His heart, His will.

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