Internalizing This: Trust & Love — Natalie Kristeen

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Internalizing This: Trust & Love

Internalizing This: Trust & Love


"The Lord says, 'I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.'"

Psalm 91:14

These past couple of weeks I am all about the Lord's unending protection and unfailing rescuing. He is not pushy, He is not rude, He is not hurtful...He protects and rescues. He is patient and king. He hopes the best and believes the best. The Lord is faultless. He rescues those who love Him.

Those who love Him. Jesus's words: “If you love me, obey my commandments." He commands that we feed His people who are hungry. He commands that we honor others above ourselves. He commands that we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind. He commands that we love our neighbor as ourself. To love God and love others is to choose not to lie, cheat, boast, brag, live in jealousy, and so much more. I am flawed. I do not keep these commands perfectly. But I strive to, I pray to, I ask Jesus to show me how to. Will you join me in that? Will you join me in obeying His commandments? Will you join me in asking Him to help us do these things?

He protects those who trust in His name. To trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Reliability. Oh how faithful and reliable God has proven to be in my life! To trust Him means to put down angst, stress, bitterness, entitlement. To trust Him means to fight for joy because He said it is His will. To fight for joy is to give thanks for the good gifts He has given. Gifts like flowers, companions, sunny days, bubbles in pancakes, weeds that are beautiful, precious nieces.

To trust in Jesus' name is to put down angst and choose peace, even when it makes no sense. To trust in God is to ask Jesus to remind you how faithful and reliable He is. When we worry and carry anxiety, we are telling Jesus He is not trustworthy.

This week, let us trust in His name, even when life feels like it could fall to crumbles. Even if life DOES fall apart, our hearts will not because Jesus is holding it. He is steady and sure. Let us love Him, obeying His commandments. In giving our hearts over like this, He will rescue and protect us. Will you join me?

Read here why I memorize a verse a week.

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