We need your prayers today! [Adoption Update vol. 3] — Natalie Kristeen

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We need your prayers today! [Adoption Update vol. 3]


We are being transparent and sharing the journey Jesus is taking us on through adoption, with our loved ones, close friends, and this blog. So with basically..whoever wants to know.

Today we are being presented to a Birth Mom. We fell in love with her and her baby the moment we heard of her situation. Our connection to her was immediate and ran deep through our hearts. We know this is risky, allowing our hearts to love someone so deeply and so quickly. But it is what it is, and it was impossible not to love her. Like I have said: love is risky, but love is always worth the risk.

For weeks we have prayed and thought about her daily. Today she will know we exist. At 1 pm Pacific Time we will be presented (our Family Profile book). Would you please lift this situation up in prayer? Would you pray bold prayers, that she would feel our love through our Family Profile book (a shutterfly book full of photos of us and our family and our life), that we would be what she is looking for as an adoptive family to raise baby? Pray peace over our hearts as well. Protection.

Even if she does not choose us, she has opened up our hearts in ways we didn't realize they needed opened. My heart is the bleeding-heart type, and it has bled a lot this year. Lorens heart has grown and molded and shaped into something so wonderful, I have fallen in love with him deeper and deeper every day.

Also...if she chooses us, we would need the rest of our puzzle pieces purchased FAST.

We need everyone who is able to purchase a puzzle piece. Would you think and pray about supporting us in that way? For every piece you purchase, your name(s) will be written on the back to be displayed forever in our home. We thank you in advance!


How it works:

1)   Decide how many puzzle pieces you want to purchase to financially support our adoption fund.

1 puzzle piece = $25 

2)  Click on the donate button below to give securely through PayPal


Donate via check. Email us at nataliekbrenner@gmail.com and we will send your our address to mail in a check.

3)  Watch the adoption puzzle come together on our blog and see your name be recognized. We will build the puzzle as you donate the pieces.


We put together the crib and pieces of the nursery. TALK ABOUT NESTING.



Our way back to the Sabbath

Dear Supporters: ministry update 


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