Using His People to Keep His Promises.

You know those months where the money and the food run out a little too early? Don't be embarrassed. It happens to a lot of us. Unplanned events occur, it's part of life. You try not to focus on it, you don't make a big deal, you thank Jesus for the roof over your head and the friends you live life with. You know payday is in a few days and you have some almonds & a little birthday cake left over.

Then someone randomly brings you some eggs from their chickens. Like 2 dozen maybe. And you just are so grateful and you let them know how deeply blessed you are by these eggs because this is a reminder that Jehovah always Jirehs! That when you seek the kingdom of God first, ALL your needs will be met! And you can't wait to get home to scramble 9 eggs.

Then 2 hours later, youth group ends. You see $12 on your seat, and are so grateful and think, "Wow God!!! You did it twice in one night! I can even go buy some more food to go with those eggs!"

... And then you see on the other side of your car, a MASSIVE BAG OF GROCERIES. No shopping necessary tonight! And a gift card. And then you cry everywhere. And you eat cherry tomatoes faster than you have ever eaten cherry tomatoes before. And you blubber to Jesus,

"Why do you love me so much? How do you do this? How do you make such beautiful and generous and thoughtful people?! How did you think up the church?! Why do you love me so much? You never fail me."

Friends, He never fails us. Seek the kingdom of God first, and all your needs will be met. It's a promise.

His promises don't fail. He keeps His word. Trust in His name and let peace be your ruler. You are so loved, you are Beloved.

Thank you, Shiedlers {and any else involved}. You have reminded me once again, that I am loved and that I am part of the greatest community yet.

Thank you, Jesus, for your radiant and beautiful bride.

{Yes, I am scrambling 9 eggs & making potatoes right now! The tomatoes are almost gone!}


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