Thrifty Finds — Natalie Kristeen

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Thrifty Finds

Friends. It's May Day. Which actually means pay day! I got to put a precious $10 bill in our "Home Decor" envelope, and to my extravagant and marvelous surprise, I still had $5 left from last month! That's $15.

Loren is out meeting with some college guys to talk about Jesus and man-things. So I thought I would take this opportunity to go visit the Arc!

I spent $7 and bought all of these frames! SEVEN. DOLLARS. I spent another $6 to purchase these precious water bottles.


It's time to fill the frames with photos taken by the one and only Kiley Barnes with K. Barnes Photography. Have you heard? She is engaged. I wonder if her business name will change - I keep wondering that. Also, if you need a photographer, she is SO GOOD. She lives in Benton County of the Willamette Valley, in Oregon. {And from what I know, her parents live in the great Klamath Falls so she goes all sorts of places for photography!} Basically, if you're around, call her up! She loves what she does and she is gifted at it. Loren and I always have a blast.

Tonight as I sifted through the piles of frames, I thanked Jesus for the moments I was spending doing something I enjoy. I thanked Him for the money I was able to use to purchase things for our home, which I love. I want to remind you to do things you love. Even if for just an hour, make time for it. Fill your cup. I forget to so often, really, that doing things simply because you like them is okay. And that I can do them alone and that allowed. We all forget. {Right? Maybe?} It's the curse of the facade of needing to be busy - make time to do things you enjoy and don't feel bad for it. Don't pretend like it's a hassle, just do it. If we don't fill our cup with things we enjoy, we will and probably already are running ragged and really, let's be real - when I'm ragged, I'm not much help to those around me. I become a self-centered mess. Fill your cup, just do it. As Nike says.

You are wonderful humans. Really, from my heart to yours, I think you're wonderful.

Check out these little beauties!


20140501-194123.jpg Yes, I am outside doing this project because it is simply pleasant.

Check out how we budget, HERE.

Visit K. Barnes Photography HERE.

Thrifty Finds {round 2}, Home & Garden Update

Using His People to Keep His Promises.


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