Today is Sage Day: He's A Brenner — Natalie Kristeen

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Today is Sage Day: He's A Brenner

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Just received a beautiful phone call with beautiful news: Sage's adoption is finalized. He is an official Brenner.

We never doubted this would happen. It doesn't change a thing about our feelings, our love, our commitment to him. We have been fiercely committed since the moment his First Mama chose us to be his parents. But to hear those words, "It is finished, your son is officially and legally yours," sent this mama's heart to the moon and tears gushing down her face.


This may be a silly selfie taken after being awake for over 48 hours, but this was our first photo taken as a family of three. We snapped this beauty in the hospital January 8, hours after we met our first born son: Sweet Sage.

We may have walked through the motions six months ago on January 15, but today is the actual finalization.

Six months (26 weeks) later, his adoption is finalized as of minutes ago in a court states over.

This week has been drenched with tragic evil and violence across our nation. Darkness seems to increase...but today I was reminded ten fold that His goodness also increases. His goodness and His grace will always win out. If Martin Luther King believed that unconditional love would have the final word, I believe it too. And so we continue to pray and we continue to seek peace and we continue to fight for justice and stand up for the oppressed...and we also celebrate the beauty of this life. Because the beautiful parts are necessary in the midst of such darkness. The beauty keeps this mama going, reminds me to find reasons to give thanks.

Giving thanks is what keeps me going.

Today we celebrate what we will forever call Sage Day.

"A child born to another woman [will] call me mommy. The magnitude of that tragedy and the depth of that privilege are not lost on me." -Jody Landers

Sage, you're officially a Brenner. That tragedy and privilege are not lost on me. 

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