Let's Chat Adoption: National Adoption Awareness Month — Natalie Kristeen

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Let's Chat Adoption: National Adoption Awareness Month

Let's Chat Adoption: National Adoption Awareness Month

adoption chat


My website and blog is not solely an adoption blog, but it is one of the areas of life I write about a lot.

I took a ton of questions during October and will be answering those as well as sharing aspects of our adoption journey that have shaped us, made us better people, and taught us life lessons.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me! I don't expect anyone to know it all — I certainly don't — and am always learning. Our biggest hope for our people is that they would be humble and learn alongside us, ask questions with us, and intentionally care about adoption.

We will also be giving away a copy of This Undeserved Life as well as a gift from a shop each week, on Instagram.

Don't miss these adoption articles, posts, resources, and interviews. Sign up to receive each week's resource:

The Choice I Make Every Day

The Choice I Make Every Day

3 Things To Do For Your Friend Who Lost A Baby

3 Things To Do For Your Friend Who Lost A Baby


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