Heroes: Tom Nockles


{Written April 26, 2014} Memorial for Thomas Nockles

I write this with a heavy heart, consumed with grief for 4 young sons {2 daughters by law} and a beautiful woman, but also engulfed with a peaceful joy, knowing that Tom Nockles is freely living in the fullness and presence of Jesus.

Today I asked God, "Why?"

"Dear Jesus: It is so unfair that one of our best friends lost his Dad. Why does an amazing Dad and husband have to leave this beautiful family? Why do they have to walk the rest of their lives without this man who taught them nearly everything, who loved them and respected them, and so honestly showed them Your love, Jesus? Why do they have to say goodbye so soon? Why can't he be around when all of his boys get married? When all of them have babies? Why can't these young men have their father anymore? Not only are they losing a dad and husband...but an amazing one. One that changes lives. One that has left a legacy of your love."

But the reality of this very and completely broken world is that people die. People who live heroically, people who are dear to so many, people who are "good" and "don't deserve to die." The reality is, this world is imperfect. But through it's imperfections, Jesus brings glory and victory and hope and peace and heart-healings.

Red Rose

I cried many tears today. Many with those questions. But I also cried other tears. Tears of amazement, at the strength the family had. Not strength like you may think - but the strength they had to choose Jesus and His heart. The strength to not be selfish in their loss, but to glorify God because they knew how desperately their dad wanted that. They stood proud in remembrance of their dad. They led worship in remembrance of their dad. They shared stories. And they beamed the grace of God.

The entire memorial was filled with glory to God. Every story shared highlighted the life this man lived. Here are few of the very many words people used to describe Tom:

•Silly - he would sing crazy songs all of the time •Fun - he loved games, outdoors, dancing, rafting •Goofy - he would dance with these crazy silly songs •Selfless •Sacrificial •Content & Jovial •Patient •Understanding - anyone felt welcomed to talk with him about anything •A light beaming into the dark days of those around him - you could chat with him for 5 minutes and he would turn your day around •A servant •Sacrificially selfless {this was mentioned countless times}

White lilies

One story I want to highlight, to give you an idea of this man's life:

In October he was given a year to live. A year. He could decide to be wallowing in self pity, to slump and sulk and choose despair and selfishness. Or he could choose to find joy in the dark, to find hope in Jesus, and to be positive because he knew where he was going. He chose the latter - he chose to not waste a single breath, and to press on fighting for the kingdom of God; changing people's lives with the love and grace that only comes from Jesus. In November, approximately one month after his heavy news, he was in New York visiting his son and daughter in law. There, weak and tired with a disease taking over his flesh, he went to the local food bank and served. He served food along side others. He served with and for strangers, in hopes to share the goodness of Jesus. Even today, people that were a part of that evening ask his daughter in law about him - he made that kind of impact. While he was fighting death.

I don't know about you, but that is the kind of legacy I crave to leave. I pray to be as filled up and overflowing with the Holy Spirit that I can't help but bless every human being I cross paths with.

Tom Nockles. A jolly, loving, sacrificial man, humbly strong, lived the dream: he whole heartedly followed Jesus. He have glory to Jesus. He brought hope to the world around him. He is one of the strongest men I have ever heard of and known. His story and life is one to be inspired by.

He is a hero to so many. You should have seen the amount of people at his memorial service. I was stunned and moved.

Can we glorify Jesus with our life like Tom? Can we honor Tom and others like him, who lived their life fighting for others, living selflessly sacrificially so that others may walk and live in the freedom Jesus offers?

In memory of Thomas William Nockles, and for the glory of Jesus Christ, I commit to following Jesus in avid and wild ways. I commit to picking up my cross when it is difficult. Will you join me?

{Shared with permission from family}.


Making Our Home.


Heroes: Emily Newbold