Heroes: Emily Newbold
This is Emily:
One of my dearest friends, closest sisters in Christ, and actually my sister-by-law; she has shown me time and time again the deep love of Jesus. She has reminded me of my value in Christ, my importance because of Christ, and His unending love for me. She has spent so much time encouraging me and building me up.
Emily boldly encourages those around her, inspiring them to a deeper love and understanding of Jesus. I am proud and honored to call her my sister-friend, and it is my utmost privilege to share one small story from her & Anthony's beautiful life. Here is one small and yet ginormous decision to selflessly follow Jesus.
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Getting to know them: March 26, 2012 Anthony {my brother} married one of my best friends, Emily. June 14, 2013 they became parents. Counting that up, it has been approximately 10.5 months with this bundle of beauty and joy:
What a family, right? Beautiful. Their faces don't even begin to shine the beauty of their hearts and souls.
I cannot understand the depth of exhaustion and selflessness it must take to lovingly parent a human that is solely dependent on you. But in talking with many new parents, I have learned that it can be is full of sleepiness. It can make the couch and bed beckon your soul more than ever in your life, and yet you must deny it's call.
I asked Emily if I could interview her as one of my heroes. Of course she stated that she doesn't see herself as any sort of hero. And also that her life is lived for Jesus. I started the interview off with questions that will help you get to know her heart & current life a little, if you have never had the privilege of meeting her. Here is how our honest and vulnerable "interview" went:
1. What has been one of the hardest parts of being a brand new Momma? "After some thought, the hardest part is finding your identity. As a mom, your life changes. No longer do you come first. Your baby does. All of your needs are second: sleeping, eating, showering, exercising. Since I'm a stay at home mom, my job doesn't include an income and it is tempting to feel like I don't do enough. But the truth is that my identity isn't in my "job." It is in Christ. And as a new Momma, once I was able to give Him my everything, it freed me to enjoy being a Momma to the fullest. I am enough, because He is enough."
2. What has been one of the best parts of being a Momma? "The best part, by far, is getting to understand at a new level the love God has for His children. Just seeing my baby with a smile on her face brings me so much joy. There is nothing she could do that would make me stop loving her and I think that is barely a glimpse of the kind of love our Father has for us. I am tearing up now just thinking about it."
3. How has parenting knitted your hearts closer as husb/wife? Has it been harder to intentionally cultivate a healthy and growing relationship? "Our little girl has brought us closer together since day one of pregnancy. Pregnancy was really tough for me {Emily got hit hard with nausea, and was even hospitalized because of dehydration} and Anthony stepped up to the plate ready for whatever was next. He is so committed to "his girls," as he says so often. Having a baby has made us appreciate each other even deeper and switched how we think about our future as a family. In a lot of ways it has been easier to intentionally grow our relationship because with a kid there is a lot more planning involved! You don't get to run out the door anymore :( But- as new parents- we are tired. It is easy for us to just lay on the couch after a long day/week. So yes to easier, and yes to harder. Having a baby just makes it different."
4. Have you learned anything new about the Father Jesus from being a mama? "Yes! I kind of answered this one in the question above. But His love for us is amazing. I have spent countless nights up with my crying baby and I will just hold her and let her know it's going to be okay. I would do anything for her and to be with her is the best feeling. I know that Jesus has this same love for us and in our times of trouble he is there to carry us and let us know everything is going to be okay. His sacrifice is selfless and he doesn't ask anything in return. He enjoys the time we spend sitting with him in silence, in love. As a parent, what more could you want than your child sitting with you?"
5. About how many hours a night do you sleep on average? "Not enough! :) My daughter has been ahead of the game since she was born and this girl doesn't stop. She doesn't have time to sleep because she's so busy. 10 months and still waking up 2-3x a night. I get about 6-7 interrupted hours of sleep a night. Daddy is the best and lets me sleep in on the weekends :)"
6. What does your ideal day look like? Without anything beckoning you, what would you love to do every single day with your time and money and resources? "My ideal day... probably would be sleeping until 9. Then spending the entire day with Anthony and our baby girl. Going on a walk. Eating great food."
7. You have shared a little bit with me about a new neighbor in your community. She is a single mom with 4 kids under the age of 10. And you offered your time, days, and energy to babysit her children. For free. Whoa. How long have you known this new neighbor? "She moved in almost 2 weeks ago."
8. What moved you to step out and offer to babysit her kids while at work? Also, will this "effect" your availability to make money from your home business, Little Miss Elsy? Can you tell me a little about that? "It would mean that my home business would be over. It takes time away from my husband and baby- so yeah... I would pause that! Both Anthony and I have felt called to step out of our comfort zones and get to know our neighbors over the last couple of months. When this new neighbor moved in we took the opportunity to help! She was very open and honest. Single mom with 4 kids ages 9,8,4, and 1. She was going back to school and starting a job the following week. My heart broke for her. When was she going to see her kids?! As a mom, I wanted this woman to enjoy her kids and not miss out on their lives. I felt the Lord's heart, "Emily, watch her kids. You can do this." After talking it over with Anthony, he was in full support. The next day I spent the morning in prayer, asking God if this was really what he wanted for me. I got a solid "Yes, absolutely," from Him. So I prayed up some courage and knocked on her door. I only need to watch her youngest in order for her to not have to work! What an answer to prayer."
9. First of all, whoa. What a beautiful heart of submission! How can others support you? "Through prayer. I believe in the power of prayer- it really works! Sometimes one baby is already hard and adding another is going to be a real challenge. Prayer for patience and an easy transition would be much appreciated."
10. What is your encouragement to others, inviting them to do something as heroic as this? Have you already been blessed in return? Even though you didn't expect it?
"First off, I'm no hero! By stepping out of my comfort zone, I have received so much in return. Knowing who lives next to me is very comforting. And- I really like this new neighbor! She has already joined our Wednesday night small group. The best lesson I am learning is that God's plan for my life is better than my plan is. It is no coincidence this woman moved in next door to ME. God's plan for my life right now is to watch this little boy and love him. My daughter is going to benefit so much by spending time with another baby her age every day. God's plan for this world is restoration, and oh how good it feels to be a part of His plan. Get to know your neighbors. You might find out you need them more than they need you! Proverbs 27:10 "Do not forsake your friend and your father’s friend, and do not go to your brother’s house in the day of your calamity. Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away.""
Thank you for being so willing and honest, Emily! Your heart is ready for whatever Jesus wants to give you: difficult or not. That in itself is heroic - you aren't living for yourself, but for something greater than yourself. You are leading us into a bolder and more courageous way of living.
Can you imagine how blessed that mother is, she no longer has to take a job on top of school. She gets to spend a little time with her babies. She doesn't have the financial burden of a sitter.
If I end with much else, I won't give your heart & story justice.
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