Cocooning + Attachment Parenting

Cocooning + Attachment Parenting

Adoptive + Foster Mamas! Let’s talk about COCOONING. Baby wearing. Attachment.

Every journey is different, but being aware of these realities is important.

Who cocooned? Who baby wore? Who plans to?

For our infant adoption, creating a cocoon was important & baby wearing was a HUGE piece of this.

We wore both boys way more than using the stroller or carrying the car seat. We rarely, if ever, removed the car seats from the car & opted to wear them. Not everyone chooses this, but it felt right for us.

There’s an entire article I wrote on @adoption they titled: What Is Cocooning? Should I Try It?

Baby wearing promotes attachment, a sense of safety + closeness with a caregiver/parent. Even when temporarily fostering a baby, promoting a healthy + secure attachment should be a goal.

The quality of the infant-parent attachment is a powerful predictor of a child’s social and emotional outcome. We made decisions based on what we believed to be the best for our son. Every parent’s decisions differ.

Scroll for a few short info graphics and also a few flash backs from wearing Sage and Ira 😍 we loved:
@babytula both for infants AND toddlers

What carriers have you loved? Are you a baby wearer? Kahlil is by far my most carseated/stroller child! I wore baby AB a lot and even wore our 4 year old daughter (thru foster care) with the toddler Tula carrier. I’m a fan of breaking my back apparently 😂 but for real!

Read my whole article here.

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