You Are Not A Project — Natalie Kristeen

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You Are Not A Project

You Are Not A Project


You are not a project. I am not a project.

But too often, we see one another as a project. A project that needs fixing, needs improvement. Although we as humans are certainly disordered and I will be the first to admit how broken I am, I am not your project and you are not mine.

I am not a factory nor something to be dealt with like business. Neither are you. To see each other that way does a few things:

  1. Elevates self as superior {pride} and demotes others as inferior.
  2. Dehumanizes. When I see you as a project, I then use you. I use you for selfish gain, whether it be to make myself feel or look better. I misplace you in my mind, turning you from a very real and hurting person to a broken object that needs fixed.

Homeless people are not a project. Haitians are not a project. My small group is not a project. To ever take on the mind set that I am here to rescue you, is {I would dare to say} blaspheme. Only Jesus can do that.

You, reading these words, you are value. It is possible that you don't feel broken; it is also possible that you feel extremely broken. Whatever it is, you can be made perfectly whole right now. I, Natalie Brenner, am so broken. And as soon as I recognize how broken I am, the need for grace and mending is very apparent. The awe-some part is this: I can grab it immediately. I get to hold peace itself in my heart, being washed by Jesus himself, reminding me that He makes me perfect. Reminding me that He doesn't see me as a project or a factory, but as His child. His beloved. His daughter. His princess.

Because I know that He sees me as a human, as His daughter, I want to improve. I want to glorify Him with all that I am - not because He sees me as an object that is broken, but because His love knows no bounds and it holds me up strong. I want my life to point towards Him in all that I do, every conversation and through my facial expressions. Through my words and through my deeds - every living moment, I ache to glorify Him because He calls me His. Yes, I am broken. Yes, so are you. But Jesus doesn't see us as things to merely fix, but as precious humans to be restored unto Him. Restored and redeemed through a process, a journey we call life, constantly keeping our eyes on His heart because He wants what is best for us.

God calls me perfect because I am with Jesus.

I am His and He is mine, and I am no project to Him.

This is true for you, if you let it be true. You can be His. You can be Beloved. You can walk in the assurance that you are perfect today, only through Him. I give you my word from an every day experience, that it brings freedom.

So much freedom that you can laugh without fear of the future.

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