Our 4th of July Weekend {a photo-journal story}
For the first time in my life, I didn't enjoy fireworks on the 4th of July. I wasn't in the city, eating elephant ears {which are not made from elephant's ears} or stealing candy from little kids during a parade with big fire trucks. For the first time since moving here, Loren didn't have to work on the fourth. It was a different sort of 4th of July; but it was great.
We traveled the 3 and a half hours to Lake Wikiup {near Sunriver, OR}. We set up camp and spent a lot of time laughing at and with our baby niece Elsy. She is almst 13 months! I can hardly believe it. Emily and Anthony have become some of Loren & my best friends. They also happen to be our siblings. Do you know what a joy it is to be best friends with your sisters and brothers? To share the same core-beliefs and encourage each other closer to Christ simply by being in close relationship? Jesus unifies powerfully as we are connected by Something so much bigger than ourselves. So cool. Such a gift.
We fished, we laid by the lake, we went in the lake, we had Angry Orchards, we ate literally tons of great food, we were dusty, and we talked about Jesus. We played Rook - have you played Rook? It's great. Also. We witnessed the BEST parade EVER! There were signs all over the campground saying there would be a parade at 7 pm, face paintings at 6:30. You could say we were well pleased.
There was so much yummy-ness: the creation surrounding us, the baby's laughter, the conversations had, the everything. Check out all of the beauty Jesus gifted us with in a photo-journalist layout:
My brother caught the only fish - but I'll tell you what, fishing casting is one of my favorite things to do.
Elsy helping Uncle Loren prep his sermon.
And now for the legendary parade:
One excited 1 year old.
You could say this weekend was legendary and I will never forget it. There were many moments that I looked up to the great beautiful sky to thank my Father in heaven who blessed by deeply by providing a time away, unplugged from the world, rest with friends/family, and my beloved husband. I feel refreshed and ready for the week, day by day.
I feel a possible tradition forming.
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Raspberry Picking
As we fall more in love with Oregon, we are adventuring into new places! Yesterday I had the chance to pick berries for a quick half an hour, checking out this local farm!
I found the initial farm, and then was led on a scavenger hunt in search for the Raspberry bushes. A few signs and a 3 minute drive later, I arrived at this precious farm.
There weren't many folks picking because it was drizzling, but I wasn't ready to give up! The cost of these u-pick berries is basically stealing if you compare it to what you pay for berries at the grocery store.
I was assigned my row and off I went!
As I picked, I was able to relax and pray out loud. No one was around, so that was great. Just a quiet morning, drizzling rain, and chats with Jesus. I prayed for my husband (10 prayers for your spouse) and for my work and my business (see that here) and for our ministry. I am learning again how powerful prayer is - when I choose to fix my thoughts on Him, my worries and frustrations decrease. My mind is calmed and I am able to magnify Jesus, who brings all peace. What a gift.
It was heaven!
I filled my bucket, almost to the brim! I paid $6 flat. SIX DOLLARS!
I highly recommend this farm if you are in the area! It is very easy to find. You can call them morning of, listen to their voicemail & see if they're open for the day. (541) 757-7814
They are off of Highway 20 in Corvallis - turn onto Garden Ave.
I look forward to taking Loren here on Monday!
Do you have any local farms that you enjoy?