This snow day has reminded me that I am not in control.
Our back patio, this morning!
Graice and I watched Dumbo early this morning, fading in and out of sleep.
Because our "small" city rests in the Willamette Valley, more than 3 inches of snow throws everyone off! School was cancelled which means I cancelled my meetings and work agenda for the day - I was blessed to hang with Graice! (Her parents are out of town). The whole city sort of rolls up its sidewalks.
I am a planner. This can defeat me on days like today: I have a plan set in my mind and when I am forced to change it, my mind jumbles and I get frazzled. I blame this on my desire for control! Something I so desperately don't want to be true. I don't want to cling to control, because that shows the lack of distrust I have looming in the corners of my heart. As well as the mind set that I think I know what's best for my day; my life.
Which is why days like today are just what I need. I need to be reminded that I am not in control and that if the weather calls for me to sit at home, catch up on bills, and watch a movie rather than live by my own agenda and cross items off of my to do list...I should seriously accept this gift with open hands! I should be deeply grateful for this grace gift.
And that is what I have become: deeply grateful. As soon as I accepted that I am not the most important person in the world, nor was I the only person whose plans probably got messed with {because of the "wild" snow}, I was at peace and ready to accept the gift of today. Jesus has shown me through today how much He loves me and how His agenda is so much better. The beautiful Graice and I decided to go across the street to Market of Choice to order a warm drink made by the one & only Jesse Lister. We then proceeded to sit by the fire and each read precious words straight from the Bible!
I was filled with peace by a Psalm. It reminded me that The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love! That He showers, drenches, us with compassion. Even when my day starts off scewed. The pages read that He keeps His promises and is gracious in all that He does - His promise that I am His and He is mine, His promise that He is with me, His promise that my value and worth is not measured by the results I produce and the tasks I accomplish! Those promises are kept true, even today when the snow tells me I cannot go to the office or meet with certain people. His promises are kept even when my heart {sadly} believes my agenda is better - the promises remain through my struggle of being reminded how much bigger Jesus is.
He lavished so many love gifts upon me today. Graice has one of the most beautiful smiles and a precious heart. Conversations with her were mostly about Jesus and His undying love for us, along with the goodness He showers us with. We sipped delicious coffee, too good to our taste buds. Once I decided to fully accept reality {which was a blessing}, I became fully present in each moment, and in that was over joyed even deeper. I was receiving gifts today. Gifts I would not have had access to, had the snow not fallen & shut our city down.
Jesus is close to all who call on Him. All I have to do is call upon Him! The access to the Calm amazes me. I am overflowing with joy now - I am grateful to clean up our messy home, to watch movies with a sweet girl, to sit fireside and soak in promises from my King...what a much more beautiful day than I had planned!
We are back home and I am about to write some very necessary Thank You cards to some extremely amazing people. What a gift today has been.
Be blessed!
What has your day looked like? Have you been reminded of any Truths that you relearn often?