Slow Down, Would You? — Natalie Kristeen

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Slow Down, Would You?

Slow Down, Would You?


Husband knows how to swoon. He knows how to selflessly love, how to think outside of himself, how to be considerate. He knows that a welcome home to roses with chocolate (and maybe some Pinot Noir) is a simple way to make me smile and feel warmly loved. Husband knows that flowers and roses capture my heart, because they are simply a piece of Heaven. They are one of God's most simple yet complex creations: they begin as seeds and eventually fully bloom, flourishing with aromas that bring refreshment.

This week has been so odd to me. I have cried, I have laughed, I have felt completely exhausted and vulnerable, I have felt like I stood on top of the world. Though I have counted carpet fibers as my tears rolled out of my eyes, I have also walked around taking photos of God's many wonders. Once again, I have been convinced that He reminds me of His grace in the simplest of things. His grace in the fresh flowers and the sprouting onions. I have been swept off of my feet by God's creation this week. I have chosen to slow down in order to breathe Him in. Slow my thoughts down, slow my schedule down, slow my words down (I fail at this so often), slow me down. Life can be chaotic, or it can be peaceful. Life can be crazy and out of control, or it can be calm and out of control. Life can be life, and we get to choose our attitude. We get to choose to slow down or keep this crazy, abnormal, unnatural pace of busyness. Busyness of thoughts and deeds and tasks and to-dos. We miss life.

Can we just slow down to breathe His grace in?

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If grace were an ocean, we are all sinking. Sinking and drenched, completely saturated in complete grace. Grace that says, "When you trust Me, you will be carried by Me. When you accept the Truth that I love you, you will have access to the greatest of Strengths. My strength. When you choose to look into my eyes, you will have protection and peace. Peace that makes no sense. When your world is falling apart and your heart is so confused, and you choose to look to Me for answers, I will give you them." Grace. Grace that is unfailing in the love that covers us. Grace that lets our hearts and muscles relax, our stomachs no longer need to be tied in knots. Grace that gives us strength to put down self-entitlement and see others as they are: human and important. Grace that reminds me how loved and valuable I am, even when I am sitting. Sitting and doing nothing, but resting in the presence of Jesus Christ. Grace.

If it were an ocean, we are all sinking.

Today, remember to slow down. Cancel an appointment, remind yourself that the task before you is probably less important than the weight you give it, spend moments with your kids or spouse or loved ones, uninterrupted - no cell phone. Exercise! Go for a walk, breathe in His love and let His grace drown you in joy.

Let your faultless King swoon you with His grace gifts.

Slow down to breathe Him in

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