We DO Have Hope. — Natalie Kristeen

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We DO Have Hope.

As I sit here in Coffee Culture, I am thankful once again by the profound evidence that I am loved by a God bigger than everything known to man. That I have been created and can trust my Creator. My ache to distribute this knowledge to those around me, those in this city, and all the people on this earth has deepened once again. Two ladies sit at a table to my left. As they chat, I cannot help but take on the awkward eavesdropping role. (I forgot my headphones). One of the ladies is doing all of the talking, as it commonly happens. She is talking in depth about her back pain, how it must be related to stress and anxiety. Her son is young and unhealthy, "he loves bread a little too much." (Her words not mine). "I wish I had a guide book. A good one. I wish I could let go and trust that it was going to be okay." (Also her words). I cannot help but notice her tone of voice. The words I have heard many a time. But the tone of voice is one of helplessness. Hopelessness. She speaks of having no hope. No one to trust. As I sip my latte, I read King David's words "But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?" 

I am thankful for the hope and the confidence I have in our God. He is bigger than my trouble and He will grow me through them. He rescues us and is our comforter. We have an unending hope and we access to peace. If we ask and choose to receive. Don't forget that today. And if you have a chance, naturally share that with someone today in gentle boldness.


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Tastiest Spaghetti


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