Reframe your thoughts about divorce + break ups

Reframe your thoughts about divorce + break ups

Reframes can sound cliche, but the ✨power✨ of actually creating + speaking specific reframes to yourself is immeasurable.

Much of my own healing has happened through the long-game work of finding the deeply seeded HARMFUL and untrue beliefs (lies) in my mind, body, heart and then creating reframes specific to those lies.

Here are some examples from my own life as well as some of the women I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside:

❌Deeply embedded lie:
“I’m selfish and ruining my kids for leaving the marriage/relationship with their dad. I’m a terrible mom.”

✅Reframe to speak to yourself when this internal lie tries to get you down:
“It is a loving choice to seek safety & healing, modeling to my children Im worth happiness + so are they. It is a loving choice to shift the structure of our family so our children can have at least one healing & happy parent.”

❌”My stomach is gross and flubbery and stretched out and saggy and embarrassing.”

✅”My body has changed over the years, but I reject society’s constructed standard of beauty. My body is housing my soul, and I am beautiful.”

❌”I was not worth changing, to him. He only changed after I left and is giving another woman all the things I begged for.”

✅”He is on his own journey and whether or not he grows, heals, or changes is entirely dependent upon him. I am worth loving, I am worth safety in every sense, and I am worth providing that too.”

❌”No man will be attracted to me, there are no good men out there, so why leave this one even if he’s abusive/dysfunctional/absent?”

✅”I do not need anyone else to love me or see my beauty: I value me. I love me. I am so worth loving and I world rather love myself fully than be stuck in a lonely relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.”

❌”My child hates having two homes, I have caused them so much pain just because I wanted to be ‘happy’ or free or ‘discover my true self.’“

✅”Having to transition between homes can be hard, but my job isn’t to prevent them from pain. Pain is inevitable. My role is to help them learn how to navigate pain & coping skills. I can do that best from my own place of peace + modeling loving myself.”

Patch is the best client🐶

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