Our 2nd Halloween with The Boys — Natalie Kristeen

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Our 2nd Halloween with The Boys

Our 2nd Halloween with The Boys

old man baby todder halloween costume and old mcdonald

Our second Halloween with these two began right around 1:30 am.  

I was being pinched and scratched by one of the beloved babies. Barely conscious, I was irritangly telling him to stop when Loren frustratingly said, "Go bounce him back to sleep."

So in my half conscious grumpy state, I got out of bed and bounced the babe for more than 30 minutes. Eventually he wouldn't stop yelling at me "eat! eat! eat!" which made total sense because he ate approximately 0% of his dinner last night.

So our first breakfast was around 2:15 am. Finally around 4 am, little man fell asleep and we made our way back to the family bed. Around 6 am daddy woke us up and the babies were not staying asleep.

So! We watched some Halloween specials as I planned breakfast number two: coffee and pumpkin pancakes.

Eventually I mustered some Halloween spirit and dressed the boys up for library story time. I was sure it was Costume Party StoryTime but alas, we ended up being the only costumed kids in the room. And, an older woman with white hair and a cane definitely gave me some harsh side eye as we walked in and Sage was sporting his cute old man outfit... 

We are super tight right now financially while Loren finishes his masters degree and is full time student teaching, so we didn't have much room in our budget for Halloween.

The boys love the song Old McDonald and you'll often catch Ira walking around the house randomly singing, "e-i-oooo" in his little baby accent. Every time they see an animal, Ira starts the chorus from the top. Sage has the perfect "old man" clothes, so that was easy. The only things we purchased were:

  • an 8 foot piece of PVC pipe and connectors, which was around $4
  • $2 gray hair spray for Sage
  • $1 glasses from the dollar tree — removed the "nerd" tape

My mom and her husband came over after lunch and we threw some beards on the boys and hot glued Sage's walker for our evening with pals + trick or treating:

This is the fun of parenting toddlers, you guys. This is the magic.

We trekked over to our friend's house, ate soup with four other families with all sorts of wild kids, and then attempted to trick or treat. We have been pretty good about getting the boys into bed or at least starting our routine by 7 PM these last few months, and we stayed out past 7:30 which proved to be a mistake.

I felt so bad for their little tired selves. What doesn't help is they aren't eating great and throw nearly everything to the ground. Hungry and tired do not mix well with toddlers. 

Last year they were the cutest batman and robin around. Maybe next year I'll have the capacity to get us all dressed up...maybe.  I continue to be grateful to be the one making memories with my boys, even if they're cranky and worn out. 

I mean...look at them...they're ridiculous. 

Now closing the night with Stranger Things finale.  (Update: totally cried).

Happy Halloween!

Don't miss this video of Sage walking with his walker, you're welcome : https://www.facebook.com/natalie.brenner2/posts/10155860840839243

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