The Importance of Memorizing Scripture.

The Importance of Memorizing Scripture.


I am on a mission to memorize a verse a week! In December I set out to memorize Romans 5:1-6 . The number of times I have needed the words scripted in that section has astounded me. Needed for my own heart as well as to bless others. I then decided to memorize 1 Peter 3:1-5. The word of God is powerful. It is alive and burns in my soul. Psalm 119:11 says that if His word is hidden in our hearts, we won't be as apt to sin against Him. I encourage you, I beg you to memorize the words God has written to us. He has scripted a love letter for your soul, for your every day, possibly busy & tiring, trying but hopefully joyful life.

I will be posting the verse I'm memorizing each week. Most likely, they will be verses linked to one another; we can internalize an entire chunk of powerful words. Our Bible is our sword and I crave to have access to it even when it is not in my hand. I ache to share encouraging words straight from Gods heart, to pour Truth into a hurting friend, stranger, anyone. His instruction gives us access to know the very best way to respond to someone we struggle to love, to use our gifts and resources, how to treat any human that crosses our is the very source of life and life to the fullest. I, we, can only do that, can only have access to complete knowledge and wisdom, when God's truths are hidden deep within our hearts.

Scripture is powerful, a useful tool. It can be used to encourage, to correct, to sharpen & protect. To inspire, to motivate, or to simply read the Words our Lord Jesus has bestowed upon us. To be reminded of our value through Him.

As you understand Gods word, you will understand Gods will. His will in the small and in the large.

I have never heard anyone regret spending too much time reading and internalizing the very words of God.

Cheers to storing powerful words in our souls, only to share and bestow powerful gifts through words. I am certain this will only bring blessing.


This weeks verse & menu

Choosing to live fully: Happy New Year