Adoptive Parent? Read This!

Adoptive Parent? Read This!

Hey Adoptive Parents! Stop ✋🏾 ✋🏻 your scroll. When 5+ adoptees share my content, it is a sign to PAY ATTENTION. It confirms we are hopefully on the right track to understanding + showing up better.

That said, I created bite sized info slides for you to save, digest, remind yourself.

My reel about conversing with our kids often + validating their feelings in a safe space was shared by a multitude of adoptees. That honor + privilege is humbling to me and makes me want to shout the info from the roof tops.

We must listen to what adult adoptees are saying.

My hope is to continuously amplify adoptee (& birth parent) voices. While also taking some of that heavy exhausting labor off their backs.

If you know a prospective adoptive parent, send them this. If you are an adoptive parent, heed heed. 👂🏿👂🏽👂🏻.

The phrases in the slides are *not* one size fits all. They are examples.

Have questions?

Unsure what to do with the emotions surfacing?

Book a free consult to see if we’d be a good fit for 1:1 work.

Your heart is worth it, so is your child’s. They are so so so worth us digging in & doing the work.




