1,000 gifts part two

Read part one of 1,000 gifts here. You know how it's November? And people's Facebook statuses are all about what they're thankful for? I love that; I completely believe that if you're truly giving thanks, your heart changes. It transforms. The way you perceive life is different...it becomes joyful and positive. It brings strength when you feel completely weak: why? Because you're giving God glory, you're recognizing you cannot live this life alone.

This morning I read Psalm 92. After I read it through I went back to verses one and two:

"It is good to give thanks to The Lord...it is good to proclaim Your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening."

As I've stated before, I believe that all gifts are acts of grace from Jesus. I am continuing my quest of making a list of 1,000 gifts that I am deeply grateful for.

7. I am thankful for quiet mornings, rain storm happening outside, a time to sit in silence & soak in the peace of God.

8. I am thankful for the sales at Jo Anne's.

9. I am thankful that I get to welcome a very random (yet not so random) group of people into my home & feed them Thanksgiving dinner.

10. I am thankful for our patio, as well as the garden we planted.

11. I am thankful for medicine and doctors.

12. I am thankful for Allan Peterson's belief in and support of Loren and I. A complete encouragement.

13. I am thankful for true prayer warriors in my life (to name a few: Haley, Kent, Lindsey, Allan, Mike).

14. I am thankful for early morning Psalms.

15. I am thankful for the growth that has happened through having a very broken family.

16. I am thankful for fearless leaders who have sacrificed so much for the sake of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. (to name a few: Mike & Heather, Ben & Bethany, Melissa, Loren, Anthony & Emily, Russel & Emily, soooo manyyyy moreee )

17. I am thankful for the church family I am part of.

18. I am thankful for conversations with Stephanie Bean.

19. I am thankful for a sewing machine.

20. I am thankful for the ability to communicate with my sisters-in-law who live far away.

What are you thankful for? Have you started a list?



"Choosing to Create Pain in the Hopes to Gain.."


My prayer